Personal Practice balls may be carried by player. Limited balls available.
A&B Category boys will not have caddies.
For other categories Caddies are available from the club only against pre booking - please send caddy requirement along with entry mail. Caddy fees per day from club will be intimated at venue.
Outside caddies will be allowed in Categories C,D,E and AB girls at NO extra charge by the club.
No parent caddies are allowed.
Last date for entry is 6th August 2017. Entries are on first come first served basis and may close earlier once event capacity is reached.
Date of birth:
Entry fee of Rs 1800 & Tour registration of Rs 2500 from those who haven't registered earlier already. (GST @18% extra) will be taken on the day of registration a day prior to event as per age category by timings indicated above.
Documents required at registration for those who haven't submitted earlier:
1. DOB certificate or passport (copy)
2. Two photographs
(Passport size)
3. NHS card / GHIN ID number
It is mandatory to submit a copy of handicap (NHS) at registration for our records. Handicap certificates of coaches will not be accepted.
For those who do not have a NHS - please visit
and purchase a 1year or 3 year junior subscription of the same. You will recieve a GHIN ID, which is mandatory for submission for your entry to be accepted.
List is being compiled of nearby hotels and will be announced on groups shortly.
Future Events: A total of 8 events will be conducted by the end of October 2017.